Building grassroots civil society cadres for effectiveness and transparency

1.1 Title
Building grassroots civil society cadres for effectiveness and transparency

1.2 Location
All India, with focus on the backward and vulnerable districts of Central, Northern and East Indian states of Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Bihar and Jharkhand.

1.3 Cost of the action and amount requested from the Contracting Authority
Total cost of the action : Euro 1,335,000
Amount requested from the Contracting Authority : Euro 1,000,000
% of total eligible cost of action (B/Ax100): 74.91%

1.4 Summary
Title of the action: Building grassroots civil society cadres for effectiveness and transparency
CRIS Contract No.: DCI-NSAPVD/2015/368-581
Location(s) of the action: All India, with focus on the backward and vulnerable districts of Central, Northern and East Indian states of Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Bihar and Jharkhand.

Total duration of the action: 48 month (1st January 2016 to 31st December 2019
Total Budget and EU contribution: Total Budget = EUR 1,335,000
EU Contribution = EUR 1,000,000 (74.91%)

Objective of the action Overall Objective – To contribute to a strengthened, accountable and transparent civil society in India that is effective in protecting rights of the vulnerable sections of society.

Specific Objective – Member organizations and individuals related to the people’s movements have increased institutional as well as sectorial capacities.

Partners 1. Parmarth Samaj Sevi Sansthan(PADOR No: IN-2009-DWC-3009985036), Mona House, Churkhi Road,
Orai, District- Jalaun, Uttar Pradesh – 285001, India, and
2. PrayogSamajSeviSanstha(PADOR No: IN-2013-BMS-1607278171), at Tilda-Neora, District- Raipur,
Chhattisgarh, PIN 493114, India

Target group(s) : Local CBOs/CSOs, grassroots NGOs, farmers groups, Practitioners, journalists, students and
local cadres of people’s movements.
Final beneficiaries: Vulnerable and marginalized sections of society in the selected areas, particularly women,
Adivasi, nomads and dalits.

Estimated results R 1. Management/ Institutional structure for the campaigns established and strengthened at
national, state and district levels that is socially inclusive and diverse.
R 2. Member organizations capacitated in terms of better internal governance systems,
financial management and social accountability tools.
R 3. Public mobilized on issues of community rights on natural resources.

Main activities 1.Set up and strengthen management structures and local rural leadership cadres for the
2.Conduct trainings for member organizations on internal governance systems, financial
management, accountability and transparency.
3.Forge alliances with youth, women, dalit, Adivasi and minority led CBOs and networks for
mobilizing their solidarity with the campaigns.
4.Conduct capacity building programmes on issues of land and water rights, social
accountability tools (CRCs, social audits, polling survey booth, budget tracking etc) for
community leaders and Panchayat members.
5.Critically assess different laws and legislation for advocacy on people’s access to
community resources and engage continuously with politicians and the administration on
these issues.